Biyernes, Setyembre 23, 2011


          This movie is titled YOU AGAIN because it shows the story of people who met again after their terrible life in high school. The girl who was a nerd way back her high school life was going to be the sister-in-law of the cheerleader who used to bully her. She made everything to ruin her life and to make the marriage unsuccessful. Yes, she was successful but in the end she regretted and ended up accepting everything. 

              Her parents and her future sister-in-law's aunt used to be rivals in high school and her mom was always winner and the aunt was always forgiving. Funny, also their grandparents were classmates in high school and when they finally met on the wedding day of their grandchildren, they quarreled remembering on the times when they took rivalry over a guy.

             The lesson to be taken part from this movie is that, whatever you do today always matter in the near future that is why avoid mistakes and always do your best so that you won't end up regretting in the end. :)

Martes, Agosto 30, 2011

2012 is a BIG Myth.

          Personally, I do not believe that the world will end in the year 2012 paticularly on December 21, 2012 because if it does, why not end now? I mean if the world's gonna be ending, no one knows when. Only the one we believe has the control to stop everything and start from a new beginning. 

Dooms Day
       Watching the movie 2012, I was at first wondering how could they ever made such scenes, having buildings damaged, the sea walking into the city and volcanoes erupting. I was not destructed if it does happen because what came out to me was this things are impossible, calamities that are happening are not this worst. The movie was just exaggerated to help the people not to panic when the year 2012 comes.

         But what will happen if this day really do comes? For now, I can't think of what to do if this events would really happen. Prayer is the best armor and for now, we could still change the world. In our own little ways, we can help Mother Nature by engaging ourselves in tree planting activities and by simply recycling our materials. I hope to all who reads this, they may somewhat be moved and would be encouraged to help Save our only planet where we all can survive. :)

Biyernes, Agosto 12, 2011


       When we were still children, we were used to believe in different fictional characters just like Santa Claus who would give us presents if we do good throughout the year, sandman who would put sand in our eyes when we're asleep and tooth fairies who would give us money if we put our tooth under our bed.

           In the movie THE TOOTH FAIRY, Derek Thompson, a hockey player does not believe in tooth fairies and he used to kill the belief of his girlfriend's daughter on them. One night, he was summoned to be a tooth fairy for a week to make him believe that they really do exist. Another reason for giving him this summon is because in his profession of being a tooth fairy, he plays so hard that he knocks out his opponents teeth. 

            He thought everything was  a dream but then it was true. Everytime he is called for duty, wings appears on his back and his clothes are changed into a fairy costume. At first, he wasn't comfortable with this duty being a tooth fairy but then on he learned the value of work where everyone should be performing it at his best.

            The lesson I learned from this movie is that never kill anyone's dream because in a simple way of insulting them it can be a way of destroying their ambitions in life. Let's state for instance we bully someone who we not used to watch dancing but then that moment he considered it as embarrassing but deep inside him he wanted to perform and from that instance he never wanted to dance anymore and in this way we can call it as killing someone's dream.Another lesson I learned is that always be careful to what you say to people because for you it may be a compliment but for him it was a real issue.

Sabado, Hulyo 30, 2011

Your best friends can be your worst enemies too.

      There are many sororities existing nowadays and most of those who were invited are from freshmen. Members of these sororities and fraternities often ask help from other members whenever they have hard times outside and at times when some people offend them. 

         In this movie "SORORITY ROW" there were this girls, Cassidy, Jessica, Ellie, Claire and Chugs, who were together in the journey of facing the guy, Andy, who they pranked and they didn't knew that Andy was so mad after what they did. He then killed everyone who knew about it and were members of the Theta Pi sorority. Everyone got killed including the land lady and only Cassidy, Ellie and Maggie survived.

          The lesson I learned from this movie is that whenever you have troubles with your friends, always confront them in a nice manner and don't let anyone know about it. Keep it private and arrange the matters between the both of you. There may be a time that you can't settle the situation and it will take a long time after you forgive each other but always keep in mind that you have been friends for a long time and you've been together in many problems and there's no reason for this problem to remain a problem. A friend is a treasure and keep your friends as how you keep your treasures. :D

Sabado, Hulyo 23, 2011


      The best years in anyone's life are the 4 years in High School. It's always been great because on those times we experience gratitude and success, failures, intimate feelings with others and most especially we meet our real friends that until college we still have them. Relating to the movie High School Musical, it's always been a reflection of who and what we are and what we become. 

       High School Musical 2 is the best among the 3 series. It shows how they worked hard to earn for college and it also turned out to be their vacation but "Everything Changes" and so do people. Their relationship as a team suddenly changed, they had this cold war in them but everything went great in the end. As true friends are, they can't stand being angry with each other.

         Everything about this movie is really great, the songs, the scene, the color, the dance moves and most especially the casts, Troy and Gabriella. They have this chemistry in them that always makes me fall in love again and again everytime I watch this movie. The song "You are the Music in me" also makes me teary everytime I hear it, on radio, online, or even on my phone. I don't know why, maybe it's the song or the memories that keeps flashing back when the song is played. Also with the statement "We're all in this together" which was what we always keep in mind together with my batchmates on time we are facing challenges, when we almost cannot march on to graduate because of the many negative things we do that destroys the good image of our school.

         Well, this movie really represents how I enjoyed my high school life and I won't forget everything I've been through this years, the good and the bad. =)


       The last movie I watched was 101 DALMATIANS. This movie maybe out-of-date but I am lucky enough to be able to watch it. The movie is about protecting the cute 15 little puppies whose lives are at stake when villainous Cruella De Vil wanted to steal them and kill them for the fur which she wanted to make use for her to have a nice furry dress with a spot-ful design on. 

           It all started at the park when Pongo, a male Dalmatian, pet of Roger was rushing when he saw Perdy, a female dalmation, pet of Anita. Roger fell into the pond and Pongo got away but was able to see Perdy with Anita. When Roger caught Pongo, he was able to meet Anita and there their love story begun and the time came Perdy had 15 puppies. It was supposed to be 14 puppies because they thought the last one was dead but after a few moments, it moved and breathed and they considered it as a miracle and they named the puppy LUCKY.

            Because of Cruella's obsession to have a dress with the skin of the dalmatians, she did everything to catch them. She assigned two men to do it for her but unluckily the puppies, along with some barn animals who helped them, were wise enough and so they escaped. Cruella ended up in the barn arrested because she was kicked into a pig pen by a horse and she can't move no more. All of the Dalmatians got home and they let the other dalmatians be adopted bringing the total to 101. 

                As a video game designer, Roger then created a video game with the dalmatians as protagonists and Cruella as the villain. Then, they moved into a far place with their millions.

Linggo, Hulyo 10, 2011


     The toys we have represent how we enjoyed our childhood. I myself got a huge collection of toys but among all, I only have few dolls. Girls play on dolls but I am different. I play on batman and superman and toys from Jollibee kiddie meal. Most of these toys are still existing until now. I consider them valuable because everytime I see them and play with them memories would flashback from my childhood.

      With the movie Toy Story 3, the toys of Andy were all left and only Woody was off with him for college. The toys thought there were to be thrown on the garbage but Andy's intention was for them to be placed in the attic. It was Andy's mom who threw them away. They ended up at Sunny Side Preschool where there lives became miserable and they wanted to escape. The other toys there also have sad stories why they ended up being donated. Luckily, they were back at Andy's house before he left for college and they left a message on top of the box where they contain saying they prefer to be given to someone who would take good care of them rather that living at the attic. 


The moral lesson of this movie is that never to leave what you had before because you may not be what you are now without them. The toys became part of your childhood, don't easily throw them to trash because you don't know you may hurt them. They may be non-living but their value is priceless.

Sabado, Hulyo 2, 2011


‎"Fear is the enemy of will and will is what you should take action."
"Being fearless does not mean your ability to overcome your fear but being courageous enough in dealing with it."
‎"Are you afraid? No I'm not, it's my job not to be."
       These are only a few lines stated by another modern superhero, GREEN LANTERN.  

      Hal is a pilot who was fired out of work because he failed to do a certain mission and destroyed the aircraft he was flying due to the memories of his father which kept coming back while he's flying the craft. It was believed that being a pilot is not his destiny in life. He was brought by the ring to the alien which is called a "Green Lantern" who passed his mission unto him. The ring won't make a mistake and therefore Hal is really destined for the mission of saving the universe from being killed down by a huge monster who would eat all our fears and through that, the more he ate the more it grew bigger.

       His humanity was thought to be his weakness but then it was his strength. He was able to save our planet along with all the people from being killed. Indeed, he was destined for this mission. As the saying goes, when God takes away something from you he is preparing you to receive something better and that "better" stuff I was refers to his mission to save our planet where he had been successful on.

         The story was merely about facing your fear. It has somewhat a similarity with the movie "The Hole" which is a horror one unlike Green Lantern which was a sci-fi and action film. Both stories depicted on overcoming your greatest fears which would become a hindrance in facing the future. In the movie, The Hole they were able to fight ghosts of their fears in believing that they can overcome such fear and they will live peacefully without having it while in Green Lantern, he was able to fulfill his mission by saying that "Being fearless is showing that you are courageous enough in dealing with it." Also, he did not thought only of himself but including the safety of all the people. 

        Personally, I love both movies and how I wish I am strong enough to face all the many fears I have in my life and one is the fear of losing my loved ones which anyone shouldn't fear of because it's a fact that nothing lasts forever and so as anyone's life does. Including in my fear is the fear of failing but I myself is not that faithful to my studies which I needed to be. Oh God, please do help me and everyone to face their different fears. :">

Huwebes, Hunyo 30, 2011

Animal attack! >:)

This movie is so cute and funny. The story is about a guy who was in charge for leading the destruction of a forest where many animals live. When the animals knew about it, they were trying to stop Dan from the plan. They do anything to bother him and he was indeed changed by the animals. Later on, he then stopped his boss from destroying the forest and replacing it into a shopping mall and in the end he and the animals ended up being together in the forest with Dan's family.


JACK AND ROSE, a very popular couple in the movie industry and in real life. I just watched this movie a week ago and the song always makes me cry and watching this video made me crying again and again and again as if I was the one involved in the scene.

The movie really makes everyone emotional, no wonder why until now the movie is continue being watched and played by many people who loved the real-story and count me in, I want a copy of the movie, an original one.

LOVE is really a painful feeling, according to many people who had been through many experiences with it but if there is TRUE LOVE it wouldn't be that painful at all as long as you know how to handle the situation and be loyal to your partner.

Linggo, Hunyo 26, 2011

AUTOBOTS: Roll out!

My favorite, Optimus Prime and Bumblebee. They're just too awesome to be parked in the garage. I want them! I honestly do want to have an autobot of my own after watching this movie 3 years ago and it made me cry because it's too cool! Luckily, it did have it's sequel - Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen - which is expected to be also great just like the first one. The story is very interesting for me, a movie fan, and I love this types of movies: action, thrill and fictional. I'm watching out for Transformers: Dark of the Moon. Hopefully I can watch it sooner which will be showing this June 29. I wish my mom and dad would be available for the weekend so we can watch and also have this as our bonding. Here are some snap shots: 


Linggo, Hunyo 19, 2011

OMG! It's Jaden :)

The best movie should I say? OMG! "THE KARATE KID" is indeed a great movie. No wonder why on the times it was showing on cinemas, it was a big hit for the people all over the world! Too bad I wasn't able to watch it on cinema but at least I still watched it on Star Movies. The story was great and the characters, Jackie Chan and Jaden Smith, plus the singer who sang the soundtrack Justin Bieber!! Now I know why the soundtrack was titled "Never Say Never", it is because Drei (Jaden Smith) never quited in training, well in the first place the moves taught to him by Han (Jackie Chan) were repeating and because he didn't quit after a few weeks, he was trained with the proper skills and became a great KARATE KID. Oh yeah! Great casting and the story was very cool including the kicks and moves of Jaden. You wouldn't believe he can do that, even the other karate kids were great. How I wish I could do that but it's very impossible. The movie was worth watching and I promise to watch it again and again. ;)) 
This picture was taken on one of China's amazing tourist attractions and is been a great part of their history, The Great Wall of China were they are training before the competition. (One of my dream os to step and walk on this amazing place.)

A great fighter and a great singer in one! That's my Jaden Smith <3

Biyernes, Hunyo 17, 2011


THE SORCERER'S APPRENTICE is one of my favorite movies. I have watched this movie one week ago (June 12,2011) before the first semester begins. The story is about a young boy, Dave, who have no idea he was the so called, Prime Merlinian who can defeat Morgana. 
      Dave is a physics student who at first wanted to help Balthazar in defeating Morgana but at some point refused because Becky, his crush, is starting doubt on his new moves but at the end, he was the one who saved the Earth from being torn down into dust.